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Cooperation/Strategic Partnership Projects

Digitalisation and innovation of Youth work methodology for inclusion of immigrants

Programme: Erasmus+Key Action: Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practicesAction Type: Strategic Partnerships for youthProject Identifier: 2020-2-DE04-KA205-019968Project Title: “Digitalisation and innovation of Youth work methodology for inclusion of immigrants”Topics: Inclusion – equity; ICT – new technologies – digital… Read More »Digitalisation and innovation of Youth work methodology for inclusion of immigrants

Creative youth work on prevention of negative impact of social media influencers on youth

Programme: Erasmus+Key Action: Partnerships for cooperation and exchanges of practicesAction Type: Cooperation partnerships in youthProject Identifier: 2023-1-DE04-KA220-YOU-000167094Project Title: “Creative youth work on prevention of negative impact of social media influencers on youth”Topics: Reaching the policy level/dialogue with decision makers; Media… Read More »Creative youth work on prevention of negative impact of social media influencers on youth

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